He just wants you to notice

I have tried for weeks to right a really catchy post, something that will set you on fire for the Lord, but to be quite honest with you I don’t think that is what He wants me to write about. My own personal conviction came through yesterday when I realized that all I was doing was relying on myself to get a Holy message across to the Lords people. I was not being a follower. I was not obedient to His voice. This has been convicting me a lot lately because, how often do I get into the routine of doing what I want to do instead of doing what God needs me to do? Like it says in Habakukk 3:17-19, everything might be falling apart but God is still the source of my strength and I will rejoice in him. There is never a time that something has to be momentous enough for me to preach the good news. Jesus died for me and that was enough, nothing else that happens to me on this earth matters because I am saved by grace through faith. 

Right now I am reading through the book of Romans and I often forget the miraculous change that Paul went through to write the things that he did. The Lord made him blind so he would stop, notice Him, and be obedient. Walking around with one of your senses gone can make you rely on others so much more, it puts you in a position to trust. Sometimes I feel like I need to go blind to close all of “tabs” in my brain before spending time with God. I want so badly to have a relationship that is not just for myself but one that others can see too. Though, I have to remind myself that this doesn't just come about with a desire, a relationship is made with action. We have to put in the work with God in order for the connection to grow stronger in our hearts. This is what I feel like God wants me to notice and for other people to notice too. He isn't asking for something miraculous, He literally just wants to spend time with you and for you to know who He is. And you can't know someone without listening to them. 

Jesus wants you near. He knows that you need Him. Don’t waste the valuable time you have on this earth by sitting back and doing nothing. Be obedient, establish a relationship with the father, make disciples for Him, listen to Him. You cannot be a bystander to your faith, and this is a wake up call for me too. Sunday mornings isn’t enough, Jesus wants to be noticed and we as Christians are called to make others notice too, so will you do this today? Instead of doing the same-old-same-old fall on your knees before the Lord, give Him everything. I can tell you that once he starts the work in you, he will bring it to completion in His timing. Like I said in the beginning I did not really want to write this, and maybe you can tell that, but what I am sure of is how much God loves us and wants us in His kingdom and that starts here with committing your life to the Lord and being "all in" for what He has in store for you. 

May the peace and love of God be with you always,

Leah Carpenter
