Even in the mundane You are still God

Over the past several weeks I have been reflecting on the beginning of an end. It's the end of my college career, the end of living with my best friends 24/7, and the end of a lifetime of waiting for "life" to begin. You know I've been told by so many people that it goes by too fast but truth be told it really does. These times where I am simply waiting for an end and it seems so mundane and sorrowful because to me I should be cherishing this time but all I am doing is wishing for it back. These are times where I have to take a moment to realize how blessed I have been and how faithful God has been to me even during the times I thought He had left me. 

There is one song in particular that comes to mind, "Manna" by Chris Renzema, and he talks about how the Lord is still faithful and still working. While we have lost our taste for the "manna" that He provides, it still is given to us regardless of whether we are hungry for it or not. Sometimes I feel like I will never be hungry again for what He has to offer or that there is not enough for me to live off of, regardless of all of this, the Lord always provides what we need in due time. Not everything is promised to us when we ask for it. In everything that we do we need to give it all to the Lord like it says in Colossians 3:17. So many people throughout the Bible still worshiped in the mundane: Sarah waiting for a baby, Leah wanting to be loved by her husband, even the disciples who were waiting to hear if their savior was alive. When we look out our lives during these mundane periods we always remember that we still have a savior who died willingly for us. Whether that be cleaning the house, doing your laundry, studying, or whatever it may be be thankful that God gave you the gift to be able to do it in the first place. So many times I forget this and just take so many things for granted but this is the manna that God has gifted us. 

I often think about the phrase "I don't have to do it, I get to do it". Sometimes we are just living life out by  going through the motions but especially with everything that is going on in the world today, breathing on this earth is a gift from God, use it for His goodness! Be present in the mundane because moments that give you maybe a bit of peace, even though they are not what you asked for, are few and far between. Jesus is still working and He is still good despite what you may feel like. Share His love with everyone because having true joy in the mundane is knowing that God is in control of whatever He has planned for you. 

May the peace and love of God be with you always,

Leah Carpenter
